Sapphire Buying Guide: Sndgems sapphire buying guide is designed to answer all your questions about Sapphires like Sapphire gemological properties, judging sapphire color, how to differentiate between color, cuts & clarity, genuine and imitation sapphires, sapphire certification, famous sapphire mines,sapphire history, sapphire types and many more sapphire topics that will help you make a well informed decision while making a purchase.
All About Gemstone Sapphire |
All about Sapphire 4 C`s |
Sapphire Cuts and Shapes |
Sapphire is the official September birthstone and is called the gem of the royals. It represents wisdom, love, sincerity, faith, loyalty, truth and purity. Sapphires are designated for the 5th, 23rd and 45th wedding anniversary. They have the same gemological properties like rubies and come in a rainbow of colors like pink , purple, yellow, orange etc. Read more here.
Unlike diamonds, Sapphires do not have a standardized grading system. Natural Sapphires can be evaluated using many of the diamond 4 C's together with their size and geographic origin.Finest sapphires have a medium dark, vivid blue or medium dark, vivid violetish blue.Some refer this color to as cornflower blue. Sapphires need to be cut to maximise their color. Read more.
The art of faceting a sapphire determines the beauty of the gemstone.There are various styles of cutting sapphires like step cut, brilliant cut, mixed cut,cabochon cut, bead cut ,carvings etc. Sapphires are then given different shapes like round, square, pear shape, marquise shape etc. Sapphire shapes have more effect on price than the facet style. Read more.
Sapphire Mining and Origins |
Determining Sapphire Color |
Judging Sapphire Clarity |
Sapphires are mined all over the world and are found in a large number of colors like blue, brown, yellow, pink, purple, orange, gray and colorless. The most expensive sapphires are those which have not been heat treated but are straight from the depths of the earth in their natural form. These are the rich & vibrant blue sapphires. The blue sapphire is a very valuable gem, ranging at times, to around $1000 per a carat. The major mines are located in Srilanka......Read more
Unlike Diamonds whose beauty depends on it brilliance. Sapphires are judged by their color. Judging the color of a Sapphire is not easy task. It requires an expery jeweler to differentiate between the quality of two Sapphires depending on its color. To understand the color factors that affect the Sapphire color we need to understand terms like Hue, Tone (Light or Dark), Color purity, Saturation (Vivid and Strong) and intensity that are frequently used by appraisers and jewelers. Read more
Clarity & transparency are critical factors in determing the value of a sapphire.Sapphires which have areas full of inclusions not very desirable. Yellow sapphires generally have the least flaws.To determine sapphires clarity you need to understand terms like, transparency, texture, types of inclusions like negative crystals and voids, silk, needles, fluid inclusions, cracks or fractures or fissures, false cleavage, twinning, halos, fingerprints, color zoning, cavities, chips etc. Read more
Ideal Cut Sapphires - Judging Cuts |
Sapphire Treatments & Enhancements |
Sapphire Jewelry Designs & Styles |
Sapphires should display maximum color alike other colored gemstones. However if they`re cut improperly their color potential is diminished in what is called a window. Cut plays a critical role while grading and valuing a sapphire alike other colored gemstones because the cut affects its color, clarity and brilliance. Sapphire cut refers to its shape (Cushion or marquise), cutting style ( brilliant or step cut), proportions and finish. Read more about ideal cut sapphires
Most sapphires used in jewelry have been heated at very high temperatures to permanently enhance their color and are an expected part of the polishing process and are accepted by the jewelry industry.New enhancement technologies like heating, irradiation, fracture filling, diffusion, oiling, dyeing etc alter the color and clarity of the sapphire and have made it possible to sell unsaleable sapphires. Read more about sapphire enhancements.
Sapphires offer heavenly choices in jewelry. They are set in a number of metals like gold, platinum, silver, palladium, titanium, tungsten using different decorating techniques, finishes and setting styles. Exotic and classic sapphire jewelry designs have been inspired from the historic jewelry eras like the georgian jewelry, Edwardian Jewelry, Art Deco Jewelry, Retro Jewelry, Victorian Jewelry etc. Read more
Sapphire Care and Cleaning |
Conflict Sapphires |
All about Synthetic Sapphires |
Regardless of the fact, whether it is the gorgeous Bismarck platinum sapphire necklace, the stunning and exquisite diamond engagement ring of Princess Diana passed on now to Kate Middleton. All Sapphire jewelry, in fact all jewelry has to be periodically cleaned to maintain its original beauty, sparkle and illumination. You can clean your sapphire jewelry at home using lukewarm water and mild dishwashing soap...Read more.
We frequently talk about blood diamonds or conflict diamonds ignoring the fact that the enviornmental issues & human issue that bother the diamonds industry also exist in the sapphire mining indusry, as a matter of fact in all gemstone mining industries.The jewelry industry is yet develop strict guidelines to ensure that the spphires that you prize highly are not at the cost of eviornmental and human issues. Read more
Synthetic Sapphires are lab grown sapphires and are very popular in birthstone jewelry and status rings.They are also found in artistic designer jewelry.Synthetic sapphires have the same crystal structure & fundemental composition as the natural sapphires.They also have similar physical and optical properties. However they differ with respect to price, rarity, durabity, emotional value etc. Read more
Sapphire Certification |
Spotting Fake Sapphires |
Genuine Sapphire Jewelry |
There are various gem laboratories providing gemstone certifications. But these labs often vary in their strictness in grading of Sapphires and other gemstones. When getting a certification for your sapphire / sapphire jewelry choose a lab that is different from the lab selling the item to eliminate chances of incorrect certification. For this reason, all of our gemstones over $1000 in value come with independent lab certification. Read more
Today traders are devising new techniques to cheat buyers into thinking that their gemstone is better quality. Sellers faking imitations sapphires as real sapphires use techniques like foil backing, coatings, quench crackling etc to cheat their buyers.But how hard they try, an expert jeweler can always distinguish between fake & natural sapphire and tell its source of origin. To prevent youself from being fooled read our spotting fake sapphires guide. Read more
In today's cut throat competion every seller inorder to push his sale is making claims that he is selling fine sapphire jewelry, authentic sapphire jewelry, premium sapphire jewelry, designer sapphire jewelry etc. They are using varied tag lines for their jewelry. In order to help you make an informed decision while buying an expensive piece of sapphire jewelry we have listed out the criteris that a jewelry must meet inorder to be tagged as Fine / Authentic / Genuine. Read more
Sapphire FAQ`s |
Sapphire Dictionary |
Famous Sapphire in History |
For the convinience of our customers we have compiled a list of FAq`s like: Should I buy a loose sapphires or do I get a better deal buying finished Sapphire ring? What Sapphire shape is best for the ring? What has the greatest effect on price? and many more questions. Read more
Learn the A to Z of a Sapphire jewelry. We have compiled a list of terminologies used in the Sapphire industry for the convenience of our customers. Learn about Sapphire Facet, Sapphire Table, Sapphire Girdle, Sapphire Culet, Sapphire Pavilion, Sapphire Crown, fire , brilliance etc. Read more
Some of the ancient sapphires have outstanding & incomparable characterists like cut, color clarity, carat weight. Joan Crawford, Jean Harlow`s engagement ring, Ivana Trump Mazzucchelli 's kashmir sapphire engagement ring etc. The list of one of a kind sapphire jewelry is lenghty. Read more
Sapphire Setting Styles |
Sapphire History and Lore |
Sapphire Jewelry-A Perfect Gift |
The beauty and craftsmanship of a sapphire ring depends a lot on the sapphire quality & the choice of setting style. So it is very important to pay close attention to the setting type and the metal used for setting. There are two basic types of sapphire settings: Open & Closed Settings. For eg: tension setting, prong setting are open settings while bezel setting, pave setting, channel settings are examples for closed settings. Read more
"Sapphire"is derived from the Latin word "saphirus" and the Greek word "sapheiros", meaning "blue." Sapphires have a very esteemed history. Tradition holds that the Ten Commandments were given in tablets made of sapphire. There are many myths, mysteries and healing properties revolving Sapphire throughout history.Sapphires have been discovered at different times in different parts of the world. Read more.
A gift is an expression of your love, care and pure feelings for someone. A Sapphire is believed to be symbol of fidelity, sincerity, success, prosperiety &abundance. Sapphire have always been loved since the ancient times due to their rarity, beautiful color, unique characteristics, mystical properties and enriched history. It is said that King solomon wore a sapphire ring. Penelope Cruz's sapphire engagement ring from Javier Bardem is the latest buzz. Read more
Your Gorgeous Sapphire Ring Guide |
Guide to buying Sapphire Earrings |
Sapphire Pendants- An exquisite jewelry |
Sapphire ring has been popular since the Middle Ages. Sapphires are the jewels of royalty - Diana Spencer wore a sapphire engagement ring. The beautiful Gene Tierney wore her elegant sapphire and diamond ring in the classic movie, The Razor's Edge (1946). Sapphires comes in an array of colors from yellow &xpink to blue. We have a large collection of sapphire engagement rings, sapphire wedding rings, sapphire eternity rings & anniversary rings. We prefer a rich blue color sapphire with a lighter shade in rings with sapphire. Read more
Earrings originated in the Middle East in about 2500 BC. Today, earrings are considered part of everyday life that can be worn day or night for every occasion. But if you want to wear earrings that are sophisticated, stylish, precious and royal you need to pick a pair of Natural sapphire earrings. The beauty of sapphire earrings is heavenly. The special woman deserves a special piece of sapphire jewelry, to show your love choose from sapphire earrings- sapphire stud earrings, hoop earrings, drop earrings to mark the most special occasions. Read more
Both women and men wore pendants since the very early times with different themes like religion, power, peace, friendship, love etc. Sapphire pendants add a whole new depth to pendant designing and variety. Sapphires blend elegantly with various contrasting styles and flavors of pendants.Plus as sapphires come in different beautiful colors the design array in sapphire pendants is extensive. Popular Sapphire pendants styles include solitaire round sapphire pendant, a cross sapphire pendant in platinum or yellow or white Gold etc. Read more here
Sapphire Bracelets - Timeless Jewelry |
Sapphire Prices & Investment Tips |
Sapphire Jewelry-Online Buying Guide |
A sapphire diamond bracelet is a piece of jewelry that drapes softly around the wrist. Natural Sapphire gemstone bracelets are an elegant piece of jewelry that provides a shimmering circle of sapphires or diamonds and sapphires around the wrist. The proper length of a bracelet will vary with the size of the wrist it is to be worn on. With the bracelet on the wrist, the space between the bracelet and the wrist should be one finger width. If the bracelet is too long it will catch on clothing and can put stress on the hinge joints. Read more.
Is Sapphire jewelry a good investment and are we paying the right price for the Sapphires that we buy. What are the demand and supply economics of Sapphires ? Can I redeem the full value for my Sapphires when I sell them? How do I sell my Sapphires if needed? Who would be interested in buying my sapphires? Many of us look for answers to questions like this. We have compiled a list of popular enquires realting to Sapphire buying, selling & investment for the convenience of our customers. Read more here.
If you're planning to buy genuine jewelry online
make sure you read our online jewelry shopping guides to learn about online
shopping pros and cons. Online jewelry stores offer a great selection of fine
jewelry at lower prices than local jewelry stores. Please follow these
steps. Read More.
Identifying your Sapphire Origin |
All about Star Sapphires |
Sapphire News |
The best known sources of natural sapphires are Kashmir, Myanmar, Srilanka, Thailand and Australia. Sapphires from each of these countries have their own special characteristics. Even though kashmir and Burma sapphires have more prestige, low quality stones from these sources should not be priced high. Their quality and size should decide their price. Read more.
Star Sapphires have silky mineral fibers in them that are responsible for creating the star effect. Star Sapphires are highly in demand for making sapphire jewelry as they look extotic but they are rare and very hard to find. Indain star sapphires are still easier to find. Read more
Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth II News. The queen has loads of
jewelry that she got a special room made 40 feet below Buckingham palace about
the size of an ice ring to keep all her precious gems secured. The Tower of London
houses the British Crown Jewels - The
Queen’s personal jewelry is valued at $58 million dollars. Her collection
includes the Timur
Ruby, which is actually a magnificent red spinel weighing 352.50 carats.
Inscribed on it is the names of several of the previous owners, who were Mughal emperors. Read More.
Online Shopping Tips - How to Buy Authentic Jewelry, Genuine Gemstones, Natural Diamonds & Real Gold |
What is a Genuine Gemstone? Know All About Genuine Gemstones. Read More.
What is Authentic Jewelry? Know All About Authentic. Read More.
What is Certified Jewelry? Know All About Certified Jewelry. Read More.
What is Fine Designer Jewelry? Know All About Fine Jewelry. Read More.
Genuine Gemstones Identification? Know All About Fine Genuine Gemstones. Read More.
What is Real Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium or Fake Gold Filled, Gold Plated? Know All About Real Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium, Platinum, Silver, Palladium. Read More.
Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Ruby Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Sapphire Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Emerald Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Diamond Caring & Cleaning. Read More.
Genuine Diamond Testers, Genuine Gemstones Testers, Real Metal Testers, Authentic Jewelry Testers. ? Know All About Testers to Identify Natural Diamonds, Genuine Gemstones, Real Metals and Authentic Jewelry. Read More.
Sndgems Jewelry Trade Affiliations, Read More and Conflict-Free Diamonds. Read More. |
Celebrity News - Red Carpet, Oscars, Celebrity Jewelry. Read More. |
Fine-Quality Burma Ruby, Ceylon Ruby, Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Sapphie, Columbian Emerald Guides. Read More. |
Complete Online Shopping Guide to ensure safe shopping, getting quality value product with money back guarantee when shopping online for jewelry. Read More. |
Identification of Synthetic or Fake Emeralds from Genuine Emeralds Guidelines. Read More.
Identification of Synthetic or Fake Rubies and Sapphires from Genuine Rubies and Sapphires Guides. Read More.
Identification of Ruby, Sapphire Sources - If they're from Burma, Ceylon or Thailand. Read More. |
Identification of Emerald Sources - If they're from Columbia, Zambia, Brazil, Africa. Read More. |
Gemstone Buying Guides - How to Evaluate, Identify & Select Genuine Gemstones of Good Quality. Read More. |
Gemology 101: Gemologists Identification & Valuation of Gemstones Diamonds. Read More.
Identification of Synthetic or Fake Imitation Diamonds from Genuine Diamonds Buying Guides. Read More.
Jewelry Appraisal Education Center - What's Your Jewelry Worth? Jewelry Appraisal, Diamond and Gemstone Appraisals Guidance. Authentic Jewelry: Certified Diamond & Genuine Gemstone Jewelry. Read More.
Learn about Diamond Ring Styles and Designs – Choose your Perfect Engagement Ring, Anniversary Ring or Wedding Ring. Learn More.
Jewelry as a gift for your Man – An elaborate Men’s Jewelry Buying Guide. Read More. |
Sterling Silver - A brief look into its History & Buying Guide. Read More. |
The Worlds Top Jewelry Stores, Online Shopping Guides. Read More.
Colors of Gold and Color Gold Jewelry.
Glossary of art terms to help you understand and buy art. Read More. |
How is our fine jewelry made. Read More.
Why our jewelry selection is the largest. Read More.
Why our fine jewelry is offered at the lowest prices. Read More.
Why our jewelry is the best. Read More.
Wy our moneyback guarantee is totally assured. Read More.
The Art of- Gemstone Lapidiary. Read More.
Complete Online Shopping Guide to ensure safe, secure online jewelry shopping. Read More. |