Sndgems jewelry guides are easy to use, interesting and helpful guide to buying jewelry online. Our jewelry guides are indispensable guide to judging jewelry characterstics, distinguishing genuine from imitation, making wise choices, useful to all type of consumers, from professional jewelry to online searchers. Our diamond guides help everyone in viewing diamonds as gemologists, diamond experts, diamond dealers, experienced lapidaries,
diamond buyers and online customers. Our diamond guides dissects each aspect of diamond value in detail with a wealth of diamond grading information. Our gemstone guides help everyone in viewing colored gemstones as gemologists, gem dealers, experienced lapidaries, gem buyers and online customers. Our gemstone guides dissects each aspect of ruby, sapphire, ruby value in detail with a wealth of gemstone grading information. Our guides offers step-by-step instructions for how to examine
and judge the quality and craftsmanship and materials even if you dont know anything about jewelry. If you're thinking of buying jewelry online this guide is a best place to start. Our guides will help you to know about jewelry details such as finishes, settings, flaws and fakes. Our guides cover diamonds, gemstones, jewelry craftsmanship, treatments, diamond and gems sources, appraisals. There is something for everyone.
Gemstone Jewelry Education, Buying Guides, Online Shopping Tips, Buy Genuine Gemstone Jewelry
Aquamarine Jewelry
Blue Topaz Jewelry
Garnet Jewelry
Aquamarine - This elegant gemstone is the March Birthstone representing foresight, courage, and happiness. No women can resist its unique beauty and magical attraction.This gem is true to its name, reflecting hues of ocean blue, green, and turquoise. Auqamarine color is mainly caused by the gemstones's selective absorption of certain wavelengths of light. Georgian period jewelry used aquamarines.... Read More.
Blue topaz, the birthstone of December represents loyalty, fiedelity and righteousness. Its stunning beauty has redefined fine gemstone jewelry, making it an irresistable choice in women's jewelry. Topaz has a cooling and appetising effect on an individual.Topaz come in a wide range of natural colors and shades like yellow, blue, pink, green, red etc Pink Topaz was often used to design georgian period jewelry. Read more.
Gorgeous gemstone Garnet is January birthstone representing loyalty, fiedelity and righteousness. The tradition of using garners in making beautiful jewelry existed since very early Egyptian and Roman times.Garnets come in a wide range of natural colors and shades including red, purple, orange,Garnets come in a wide range of natural colors and shades including red, green, Brown, purple, orange, yellow, etc. Read more.
Aquamarine Rings |
Blue Topaz Rings |
Garnet Rings |
Aquamarine Earrings |
Blue Topaz Earrings |
Garnet Earrings |
Aquamarine Pendants |
Blue Topaz Pendants |
Garnet Pendants |
Aquamarine Bracelets |
Blue Topaz Bracelets |
Garnet Bracelets |
Aquamarine Mens Jewelry |
Blue Topaz Mens Jewelry |
Garnet Mens Jewelry |
Black Onyx Jewelry
Tanzanite Jewelry
Pearl Jewelry
Onyx, this magical stone is the birthstone of december and is derived from a Greek word meaning 'veined gem'. It represents spiritual strength inspiration, shrarped wits, restrained passion and positive thinking and helps in curing ailments. Roman general Publius Cornelius Scipio had great passion for Onyx jewelry and even today it is a very popular choice in manking mens fine jewelry and is an excellent choice for any occassion. Read more
Tanzanite -This beautiful gemstone was recently added as an alternative birthstone for december.It is named after the East African state of Tanzania. Tanzanite deep blue color and slightly purple tinges make it a brilliant choice for making an exclusive piece of fine jewelry that is loved by any lady.Tanzanite is trichroic and exhibits pronounced pleochroism. Tanzanites in their rough state are generally reddish brown color. Read more.
The pearl is unique in the world of gemstones, as it is the only gemstone that
is formed within a living creature. Known as the birthstone for the month of
June, pearls are truly a treasured gift of the sea and revered for their colors,
shapes, sizes and luster. As the supply of naturally occurring pearls became
exhausted man learned how to cultivated them by implanting an irritant into
oysters, which produced pearls having the same outer appearance as their natural
counterpart. Read More.
Black Onyx Rings
Tanzanite Rings
Pearl Rings
Black Onyx Earrings
Tanzanite Earrings
Pearl Earrings
Black Onyx Pendants
Tanzanite Pendants
Pearl Pendants
Black Onyx Bracelets
Tanzanite Bracelets
Pearl Bracelets
Black Onyx Mens Jewelry
Tanzanite Mens Jewelry
Pearl Mens Jewelry
Tanzanite Jewelry
Amethyst Jewelry
Periodot Jewelry
Tanzanite-This beautiful gemstone was recently added as an alternative birthstone for december.It is named after the East African state of Tanzania. Tanzanite deep blue color and slightly purple tinges make it a brilliant choice for making an exclusive piece of fine jewelry that is loved by any lady.Tanzanite is trichroic and exhibits pronounced pleochroism. Tanzanites in their rough state are generally reddish brown color. Read more
Amethysts make captivating Jewelry. It is the February birthstone and is also the Wedding anniversary gemstone for the 4th and 6th year of marriage. An Amethyst represents power, wisdom , stability, balance and protection. Historically, the finest amethyst were found in Russia but now the largest deposits are found in southern Brazil and Uruguay.The cut of the amethyst determines its color to a large extent. Read more
Peridots make extraordinary gemstone jewelry. Peridot is the August birthstone and is also the gemstone for the 16th anniversary representing love, loyalty and faithfulness. Peridot was frequently used to design jewelry during the Art Deco and Retro Jewelry periods.Peridots come in a wide range of natural green colors and shades and are sometimes confused to be emeralds.The use of peridot jewelry can be dated back to the Egyptian times. Read more.
Tanzanite Rings
Amethyst Rings
Periodot Rings
Tanzanite Earrings
Amethyst Earrings
Periodot Earrings
Tanzanite Pendants
Amethyst Pendants
Periodot Pendants
Tanzanite Bracelets
Amethyst Bracelets
Periodot Bracelets
Tanzanite Mens Jewelry
Amethyst Mens Jewelry
Periodot mens Jewelry
Opal Jewelry
Golden Citrine Jewelry
Russian Amber Jewelry
Opals make special gemstone jewelry and come in a wide range of natural colors and shades.It is the October birthstone and is also the gem for the 13th wedding anniversary.Opals represent, hope, purity,fidelity and contentment. Black Opals or Opal with a dark grey shades are the most preffered.The finest opals are found in Australia though they are mined in other parts of the world as well. Read more
Golden citrines make magnificient jewelry. Yellow color is rare in gemstones. We do find yellow diamonds and yellow sapphires but these are very expensive.Citrines come in various shades of yellow ranging from lemon yellow to reddish brown satisfying our desire for yellow in jewelry especially gold jewelry. Citrines, november birthstones represent wisdom and contentment, and are also the gem for 13th and 17th wedding anniversary. Read more
Polish and Russian natural amber jewelry is beautiful and gorgeous. Amber is known for the fossilized resin unlike other gemstones that have organic elements.Amber with insects inside is highly demanded.Amber comes in many colors like yellow, orange and brown.But finding an amber with a green, blue, or violet tint is rare.AmberJewelry is made mostly from the transparent material. The opaque material is carved into other arts like utensils. Read more
Opal Rings
Golden Citrine Rings
Russian Amber Rings
Opal Earrings
Golden Citrine Earrings
Russian Amber Earrings
Opal Pendants
Golden Citrine Pendants
Russian Amber Pendants
Opal Bracelets
Golden Citrine Bracelets
Russian Amber Bracelets
Opal Bracelets
Golden Citrine Mens Jewelry
Russian Amber Mens Jewelry
Lapis Lazuli Jewelry
Jade Jewelry
Jasper Jewelry
Semiprecious gemstone,lapis lazuli jewelry, has been worn since the very ancient times.Lapis Lazuli is an opaque deep blue colored gemstone representing friendship and honesty.Lapis Lazuli is mostly found in Afghanistan, Chile, the Soviet Union and United States.It has withstood the pressure of changing fashions and remained a preffered stone in jewelry due to its beautiful and gorgeous color and rich history. Read more
Jade jewelry was worn since the very ancient times in China and Egypt as a talisman to attract good fortune friendship & to cure ailments.Jade comes in different color and shades of green,white, grey, black, yellow, and orange and in soft violet tones. Jade consists of two separate, distinct minerals, jadeite and nephrite.Jade is a very tough gem and was used by early civilizations for making weapons like axes. Read more.
Japer in fiine jewelry looks mindblowing. Jasper comes striped, spotted or flamed in different color shades of yellow, red, green or brown. Jasper jewelry was very popular in the ancient times and its history can be traced back to the ancient Arabic, Hebrew, Latin and Greek cultures.Jasper was believed to have many healing proterties.It is a member of the chalcedony family i.e .micro-crystalline quartz. Read more
Lapis Lazuli Rings
Jade Rings
Jasper Rings
Lapis Lazuli Earrings
Jade Earrings
Jasper Earrings
Lapis Lazuli Pendants
Jade Pendants
Jasper Pendants
Lapis Lazuli Bracelets
Jade Bracelets
Jasper Bracelets
Lapis Lazuli Mens Jewelry
Jade Mens Jewelry
Jasper Mens Jewelry
Ruby Jewelry
Emerald Jewelry
Sapphire Jewelry
The deep reds of ruby sparkle with an infinite passion. Natural Rubies fiery crimson color is loved for making high quality jewelry in platinum, gold & silver settings. Historically Ruby Jewelry was worn by the royal and rich. Ruby jewelry designs were very popular during the Jewelry eras. Today many people prefer ruby as their engagement ring. Read more
Emerald is the green
variety of the mineral beryl used in emerald rings. Physical Properties: Emerald
Color: Emerald Green, green and yellowish green; Emeralds Moh's Hardness: 7.5-8;
Emeralds Density: 2.67-2.78; Emerald Chemical Composition: Aluminium Berrylium
Silicate; Emeralds Transparency: Transparent to Opaque; Emeralds Refractive
Index: 1.565-1.602; Emeralds Dispersion: 0.014; Emeralds Pleochroism: Definite;
green, blue, blue green to yellow green. To learn more Click
Today corundums of gemstone quality of all colors except
red are called sapphire. Red varieties are called rubies. The various colors of
sapphires are qualified by description, green sapphire or yellow sapphire. The
coloring agents in blue sapphire are iron and titanium. Natural Sapphires have pure, vibrant & saturated colors and very high transperancy making it the most preffered gemstone next to diamonds.Historically sapphire Jewelry was very worn by the royal and rich. Antique & Vintage style sapphire rings are very popular as engagement rings. Read more.
Ruby Rings |
Emerald Rings |
Sapphire Rings |
Ruby Earrings |
Emerald Earrings |
Sapphire Earrings |
Ruby Pendants |
Emerald Pendants |
Sapphire Pendants |
Ruby Bracelets |
Emerald Bracelets |
Sapphire Bracelets |
Ruby Mens Jewelry |
Emerald Mens Jewelry |
Sapphire Mens Jewelry |
Alexandrite Jewelry
White Diamond Jewelry
Tourmaline Jewelry
Alexandrite jewelry is extremely rare, gorgeous and highly valued. Alexandrite gemstone got its name after the Russian tsar Alexander II.The beauty of this gem lies in its exotic color and the fact that it changes color in different lighting conditions.Originally found in Russian, now we find it mainly in Brazil and Tanzania. Alexandrite rings and pendants are highly prized. Read more
De Beers is a family of companies that dominate the diamond, diamond mining, diamond trading and industrial diamond manufacturing sectors. De Beers was established in 1888 from the merger of Cecil Rhodes' and Barney Barnato's mining companies, concentrating all South Africa's diamond mining operations under one owner. In 1927 Ernest Oppenheimer becomes chairman of De Beers and the company has a virtual monopoly on the diamond industry for most of the twentieth century. Read More.
Tourmalines come with the most variety of colors and shades like blue, brown, yellow, pink, purple,red, black, gray, green, white, colorless, multicolored. But in jewelry red, green, blue, & multicolored stones,especially watermelon, is the most popular.Tourmaline is often confused with different gemstones due to its different colors.Tourmaline jewelry history dates back to the Roman times. Read more
Alexandrite Rings |
White Diamond Rings
Tourmaline Rings
Alexandrite Earrings |
White Diamond Earrings
Tourmaline Earrings
Alexandrite Pendants |
White Diamond Pendants
Tourmaline Pendants
Alexandrite Bracelets |
White Diamond Bracelets
Tourmaline Bracelets
Alexandrite Mens Jewelry
White Diamond Mens Jewelry
Tourmaline Mens Jewelry

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Jewelry Education

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Settings Education

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Ruby Jewelry Education

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Online Shopping Tips - How to Buy Authentic Jewelry, Genuine Gemstones, Natural Diamonds & Real Gold |
What is a Genuine Gemstone? Know All About Genuine Gemstones. Read More.
What is Authentic Jewelry? Know All About Authentic. Read More.
What is Certified Jewelry? Know All About Certified Jewelry. Read More.
What is Fine Designer Jewelry? Know All About Fine Jewelry. Read More.
Genuine Gemstones Identification? Know All About Fine Genuine Gemstones. Read More.
What is Real Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium or Fake Gold Filled, Gold Plated? Know All About Real Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium, Platinum, Silver, Palladium. Read More.
Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Ruby Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Sapphire Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Emerald Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Diamond Caring & Cleaning. Read More.
Genuine Diamond Testers, Genuine Gemstones Testers, Real Metal Testers, Authentic Jewelry Testers. ? Know All About Testers to Identify Natural Diamonds, Genuine Gemstones, Real Metals and Authentic Jewelry. Read More.
Sndgems Jewelry Trade Affiliations, Read More and Conflict-Free Diamonds. Read More. |
Celebrity News - Red Carpet, Oscars, Celebrity Jewelry. Read More. |
Fine-Quality Burma Ruby, Ceylon Ruby, Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Sapphie, Columbian Emerald Guides. Read More. |
Complete Online Shopping Guide to ensure safe shopping, getting quality value product with money back guarantee when shopping online for jewelry. Read More. |
Identification of Synthetic or Fake Emeralds from Genuine Emeralds Guidelines. Read More.
Identification of Synthetic or Fake Rubies and Sapphires from Genuine Rubies and Sapphires Guides. Read More.
Identification of Ruby, Sapphire Sources - If they're from Burma, Ceylon or Thailand. Read More. |
Identification of Emerald Sources - If they're from Columbia, Zambia, Brazil, Africa. Read More. |
Gemstone Buying Guides - How to Evaluate, Identify & Select Genuine Gemstones of Good Quality. Read More. |
Gemology 101: Gemologists Identification & Valuation of Gemstones Diamonds. Read More.
Identification of Synthetic or Fake Imitation Diamonds from Genuine Diamonds Buying Guides. Read More.
Jewelry Appraisal Education Center - What's Your Jewelry Worth? Jewelry Appraisal, Diamond and Gemstone Appraisals Guidance. Authentic Jewelry: Certified Diamond & Genuine Gemstone Jewelry. Read More.
Learn about Diamond Ring Styles and Designs – Choose your Perfect Engagement Ring, Anniversary Ring or Wedding Ring. Learn More.
Jewelry as a gift for your Man – An elaborate Men’s Jewelry Buying Guide. Read More. |
Sterling Silver - A brief look into its History & Buying Guide. Read More. |
The Worlds Top Jewelry Stores, Online Shopping Guides. Read More.
Colors of Gold and Color Gold Jewelry.
Glossary of art terms to help you understand and buy art. Read More. |
How is our fine jewelry made. Read More.
Why our jewelry selection is the largest. Read More.
Why our fine jewelry is offered at the lowest prices. Read More.
Why our jewelry is the best. Read More.
Wy our moneyback guarantee is totally assured. Read More.
The Art of- Gemstone Lapidiary. Read More.
Complete Online Shopping Guide to ensure safe, secure online jewelry shopping. Read More. |