Stock #3PE2016APPPINK2-A:
Platinum Sapphire Eternity Engagement Ring with side pink sapphire
rounds and diamond rounds and center round pink sapphire with a total
weight of approx 2.50 carat for $4,675.00
Stock #3PE2016APPGOPINK2-A:
14k Yellow or White Gold Sapphire Eternity Engagement Ring with side
pink sapphire rounds and diamond rounds and center round pink
sapphire with a total weight of approx 2.50 carat for $4,375.00
Platinum Diamond Eternity Ring with round diamonds with a total
weight of approx 1.50 carat for $1,950.00. This ring can also be done
with aleternating sapphires and diamonds.
14k Yellow or White Gold Diamond Eternity Ring with round diamonds
with a total weight of approx 1.50 carat for $1,650.00. This ring can
also be done with aleternating sapphires and diamonds.