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cut engagement rings are becoming very popular due to their sophistication and beauty. During the reign of Pope Innocent III, emerald diamond engagement rings were worn by the wealthy class. Emeralds were considered a symbol of wealth and sophistication. The engagement of Mary of Burgundy in 1477 to Archduke Maximillian of Austria was reportedly the very first time and emerald cut engagement ring was ever used.
A Gemstone
jewelry has always been a favorite accessory of women. Diamonds have always been women’s best friend, but gemstones are becoming popular because of their radiance, which radiates to the women wearing them. The appeal of gemstones is that they make the women wearing them feel as beautiful as they are..
Emerald Gemstone is a variety of the mineral Beryl and is a beautiful strong velvety green in colour, although more recently a bluish green seems to be the most desired.
is colourless in it's purest form, but the presence of chromium and vanadium is what gives this flawed but fabulous Gemstone it's rich colouring. Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May and is also the anniversary Gemstone used to celebrate the twentieth and thirty-fifth years of marriage. Best sources of Emerald are mined in Brazil, Colombia and Zambia but can also be found in Australia, India, Pakistan as well as Russia, South Africa and the United States.
is a precious gemstone frequently incorporated into some of the most modern, beautiful handmade jewelry in the world. It is most often found in shades of opaque or translucent green, and is widely recognized as the May Birthstone and the gemstone for the 20th, 35th and 45th anniversaries. But beyond its modern-day uses and associations, emerald holds a decadent mythological, spiritual and etymological history that adds nostalgic value to its already strong aesthetic worth. Read on for more information that will
help you fall in love with your emerald jewelry – or inspire you to buy some today!
are among the oldest gemstones in the world. Orignially from Zimbabwe they began to grow 2600 million years ago, whilst some specimens were found in Pakistan that were 9 million years in age.
richness and sparkle of emeralds make it suitable for royalty. Generally princess and queens used emeralds to decorate themselves. Thus, it is a gem of high esteem and value.
emerald has captivated people throughout ancient history, and remains a treasured jewel today. Like many valuable gems, emeralds have been surrounded by folklore and mysticism ae for eons. Who knows what properties
TipsBefore Purchasing Emerald Engagement Rings
are popular choice of the couples when they go to shop for the rings. Varieties of colors and a dazzling impact on the onlookers are few of the reasons for the people opting for these stones. Emerald engagement rings are also one of the preferred choices of the couples as they want to add color and a touch of history as well to the ring. But they must consider some tips before shopping for the gemstone.
is both the traditional and modern May birthstone. Emerald would be the only other semi-precious stone, aside from Topaz which is listed in all the ancient birthstone tables. It is suggested to be the anniversary gift for a 20th or a 35th anniversary and also as an alternative stone for a 55th wedding anniversary.
Emerald Jewelry Care, Cleaning and Maintenance Tips
Emeralds with a hardness of 7.5 To 8 on The Moh's Scale are not exactly Soft Gemstones and cannot be easily scratched. However as many emeralds mined across the world have inherent inclusions and minute surface-reaching breaks, they can be easily chipped or broken. Moreover today the gem industry has come up with a number of alternatives to treat these fissures with oils and other fillers making them
less prominent to naked eyes. These Oils and filler enhancements used today on many emeralds make special caring for the emerald jewelry essential and inevitable. Read More.
Buying a emerald ring may be the one of the most important jewelry related decisions one has to ever make. Our jewelry guides is designed to help you get the best buy possible. Our diamond guides are highly informative - useful for first-tine diamond buyer, the gemologist, and the jewelry retailer. Its a must read for everone who is planning to buy jewelry online. Our guides offer a wealth of information keeping explanations
streamlined enough so even the first-time emerald buyer can confidently buy emerald jewelry online. Our guides shows you step-by-step how to evaluate sapphire and settings in different designs and metals. Its helped thousands of emerald jewelry buyers make smart decisions - and it can help you to. Read More.
Emeralds in Columbia
The finest-quality emerald has the color of fresh young green grass an almost pure spectral green, possibly with a very faint tint of blue, as in the “drop of oil” emerald from Colombia, which is considered to be the world’s finest. Emerald mining today is a billion dollar industry with major sources of emeralds coming from Afghanistan, Brazil, China, Colombia, Pakistan, Russia, Zambia & Zimbabwe. Half of the emeralds come from Columbia, Zambia accounts for 20 percent of the market and Brazil 15 percent. The next largest producers are Zimbabwe and Pakistan, with smaller amounts from Russia, Afghanistan, Australia, Madagascar, and Tanzania. Until very recently each country played a fairly static role in terms of market preference. Colombia
dominated the high end market, Zambia occupied its middle and Brazil was left with the bottom. Today however Zambian and Brazilian goods have won enough trade admiration to seriously challenge the status quo.

Victoria Beckham is yet another celeb who is renowned for massive and extravagant cocktail rings. At the 2012 Vanity Fair get together lady Beckham was spotted wearing her favored cocktail emerald ring which is bordered with pave diamonds and is set in platinum. This is not the very first time she picked the ring for her Oscar appears but prior in 2007 and 2009 also the ring created a go to to the Oscar
following events with the diva. And feel me it is worth a ring to wear infinite times. Read More.
Known for their vivid green color, Colombian emeralds are usually of exceptional quality. Colombia is the finest modern source for emeralds.The three historically significant areas of emerald mining in Colombia are Muzo, Coscuez and Chivor. Each of these areas comprises of many individual mines. Read
Identification of Synthetic or Fake Emeralds from Genuine Emeralds Guidelines
Synthetic Emerald is culturally grown by flux or hydrothermal methods and Synthetic Emeralds resemble Natural Emeralds. Even the facetting/cutting of Synthetic Emeralds are very close to Natural Emeralds. For Online Shoppers it is very difficult to distinguish between Fake & Natural Emeralds. Synthetic or Lab Grown Emeralds wil be deep green free of inclusions. We have provided emerald buying tips for identifying genuine emeralds from fake emeralds for
our online shoppers shopping at our emerald rings online jewelry store. Read More.
Identification of Emerald Sources - If they're from Columbia, Zambia, Brazil, Africa
How to evaluate and identify a genuine emerald from synthetic or fake emerald. Also you should be able to judge quality of emerald and also be able to find the source of emerald. Read More.
Buying Emerald Jewelry at Jewelry Stores
Read about how to get good deals on genuine emerald jewelry online. Read More.l
Gemstones Buying Guides, Expert Advice, Online Gemstone Shopping Tips
Welcome to the dazzling world of gemstones! You will find out all the shiny details about gem stones, what type of gemstones can be found out there and how from dusty hard rocks they transform into that precious shiny ring necklace or pendant in your nearby jewelry store. Read More.
Now you should be able to evaluate and identify a genuine emerald from synthetic or fake emerald. Also you should be able to judge quality of emerald and also be able to find the source of emerald. This will help you in getting a genuine and good quality emerald when shopping at online jewelry stores.

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Online Shopping Tips - How to Buy Authentic Jewelry, Genuine Gemstones, Natural Diamonds & Real Gold |
What is a Genuine Gemstone? Know All About Genuine Gemstones. Read More.
What is Authentic Jewelry? Know All About Authentic. Read More.
What is Certified Jewelry? Know All About Certified Jewelry. Read More.
What is Fine Designer Jewelry? Know All About Fine Jewelry. Read More.
Genuine Gemstones Identification? Know All About Fine Genuine Gemstones. Read More.
What is Real Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium or Fake Gold Filled, Gold Plated? Know All About Real Gold, Platinum, Silver, Palladium, Platinum, Silver, Palladium. Read More.
Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Ruby Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Sapphire Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Emerald Jewelry Caring & Cleaning, Diamond Caring & Cleaning. Read More.
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Fine-Quality Burma Ruby, Ceylon Ruby, Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Sapphie, Columbian Emerald Guides. Read More. |
Complete Online Shopping Guide to ensure safe shopping, getting quality value product with money back guarantee when shopping online for jewelry. Read More. |
Identification of Synthetic or Fake Emeralds from Genuine Emeralds Guidelines. Read More.
Identification of Synthetic or Fake Rubies and Sapphires from Genuine Rubies and Sapphires Guides. Read More.
Identification of Ruby, Sapphire Sources - If they're from Burma, Ceylon or Thailand. Read More. |
Identification of Emerald Sources - If they're from Columbia, Zambia, Brazil, Africa. Read More. |
Complete Online Shopping Guide to ensure safe, secure online jewelry shopping. Read More. |