800.871.1066 |
Sparkle N Dazzle Co. 54 W 47th St Suite #4R, New York, NY 10036
Tension Set Rings: Diamond, ruby tension set ring and sapphire tension set ring is popular as engagement ring and also as wedding ring. The tension set ring concept is more than 40 years old. More than 50,000 tension setting/tension set diamond rings have been sold. Our tension set diamond rings are manufactured by Gelin and Abaci (G.A.I.) and not by Steven Kretchmer. There have been no known diamond losses due to design or craftsmanship of tension set ring. Every tension set ring is closely inspected to ensure it meets the high standards. Each tension ring is custom made for a specific diamond size and finger size. Each tension product is manufactured with special alloys with a sophisticated technique which enables the metal to retain its memory. Tension set products have anywhere from 65 to 95 pounds pressure on the center stone.
Tension Set Advantages: Tension setting is a unique means of showing and selling loose diamonds. Tension mounting is the best method of showing a stone's brilliance. It can enhance the color as much as two grades.
Tension Set Safety: Tension setting is considered to be safe or safer than a four-prong setting. With more than 50,000 units sold, there have been no known diamond losses due to tension set design or craftsmanship.
Tension Set Stone Pressure: Depending upon the style tension setting has anywhere from 65 to 95 pounds pressure on the center stone.
Tension Set Stone Sizes: Tension products have been manufactured for stone from 0.10 carats to 8.0 carats.
Stones That Can Be Tension Set: Stones with hardness of eight and up can be set in a tension set ring. Stones below hardness of eight like tanzanites cannot be tension set. Rubies and sapphires as well as diamonds can be tension set. Any stone with surface fracture is not suitable for tension set mounting.
Stone Mounting in Tension Set Products: Due to special memory in tension products all stones mounted in tension set products have to be done by us (no exceptions). Any adjustments to tension set ring has to be done by us (no exceptions).
Delivery Time: Please allow 10 working days for gold tension products and 14 working days for platinum tension products once we receive your stone.
Metal Options: Tension products are available in 14K Yellow and White Gold; 18K Yellow and White Gold; Platinum and Platinum 18K Gold.
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Diamond, Ruby & Sapphire Can Be Tension Set.
Tension Concept: There are four tension set companies in the world that manufactures tension set products, Gelin Abaci is one of the two companies in the United States. Gelin Abaci is considered the largest manufacturer of tension set diamond rings in the world. Tension set concept is more than 40 years old. View Details.
Tension set ring settings in platinum & gold (yellow & white gold) are manufactured with special alloys by a sophisticated technique which enables the metal to retain it's memory. Depending on the style, tension set products have anywhere from 65 to 95 pounds pressure on the center diamond. View Details.
Set Products
Every tension set product is individually and meticulously crafted using the most advanced technologies, machinery and careful quality control. Each represents a feat of engineering, an accomplishment in design, a victory for advanced metallurgy as applied in jewelry. View Details.
Than A Prong
Tension products are considered to be safe or safer than four prong setting (prongs can get loose). View Details.
Metal Options | Center Stone
Tension Set Metals: Tension set products are available in 14K yellow or white gold; 18K yellow or white gold; platinum and 18K yellow white gold & platinum. View Details.
Tension Set Center Stone Sizes: Stones with hardness of 8 and up can be set in tension ring settings. Any stone with surface fracture is not suitable for tension mounting. Rubies and sapphies as well as diamonds can be tension set in ring settings. Tension set products have been manufactured for stone sizes from 10 points (0.10 carat) to 8 carats. View Details.
Tension Set Center Stone Shape Options: Tension set products are mostly made for round and princess cut diamonds (square). Tension set products are also manufactured for marquise, pears, trillion, radiant cut, and octogon diamonds. View Details.
Ring Sizing Questions
Can these settings be done in quarter ring size increments? Yes. We can do quarter ring size increments. Details.
Tension Set Matching Bands
Do you have tension set matching bands? Yes. We can make them on request. E-mail us at support@sndgems.com for questions & prices. We can make a matching band for every tension set ring shown on our web site. Please call us at 800-871-1066 to know more about tension set matching bands. We don't have pictures for every matching band. To look at an example Click Here.
Shipping Questions
Can these rings be shipped for next day? No. Normally tension rings are made to order and takes anywhere from two to three weeks. In special cases we can do it in a week. View Details.
Loose Center Diamonds
If you're interested in buying loose diamond for tension set ring, you can browse through our collection of GIA diamonds. View Details.
If you decide for any reason that it is not right for you, you can return it to us within 30 days for a refund or replacement. View Details.
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