Star Sapphires and Rubies
Commonly known as ruby star and sapphire star but they also appear in
garnet, spinel and other less known varieties. There are differences
between all stars, but we will here pretend that nature made all
stars equal.
Gemstone phenomena, especially asterism, are a tough call to judge on
photo. However, no normal jeweler will be able to show you a fine
natural star sapphire, let alone a selection to choose
from. Good stars are rare even beyond the normal gemstone
rarity. Unless you live in a metropolis or travel to Tucson or Basel,
the internet is the only place to compare and buy such gems.
Looking at images on the web, stars seem to be quite an ugly bunch.
Rarely do they show nice colors, often they
are zoned, patchy, heavily included, silky, egg-shaped and at times
the asterism is hardly visible at all.
And of course you will find many "perfect", "fully
colored", giant star sapphires or rubies for a few dollars.
These are synthetic or surface diffused or lead-glass filled gems
which are mostly worth just as much as they cost.
There is nothing wrong with twenty carat Linde star for fifty dollar,
but be wary of those sellers trying to offer them as real.
So, are they are either ugly or faked? No, don't be discouraged.
Real, natural stars are mind-shaking and heart-breaking. Many star
skeptics have become sworn star fans after their first encounter with
fine quality.
Here is what to look for when selecting a
star sapphire or ruby online:
The value of any star sapphire ring depends strongly on the quality
of its asterism, which is defined by (no order):
- Symmetry & linearity
- Completeness (6 rays mostly)
- Travel (smoothness of movement)
- Position
- Lucidity & Depth
The relative importance of these criteria are questions of personal
taste, culture and fashion. Most collectors would perhaps trade in
some off-centeredness for good movement, or overlook a meandering leg
while frowning at a missing one.
We feel lucidity, travel, position and completeness may be most
important and price relevant.
Only then, with decreasing relevance, come:
- Clarity (inclusions)
- Shape
- Finish (top and bottom)
Asterism and color together easily make up
80% of the value of a star (sapphire, ruby or any other variety).
With ten dimensions (as compared to the old 4 Cs) stars
are a quite demanding topic. But they are rewarding, too.