#PTEARA(H-VS2)-.25: Well matched pair of H Color and VS2 Clarity
diamonds weighing approximately 0.25 total carat weight, set in four
prong platinum settings with screw back posts for $385.00
#PTEARA(H-VS2)-.50: Well matched pair of H Color and VS2 Clarity
diamonds weighing approximately 0.50 total carat weight, set in four
prong platinum settings with screw back posts for $1,025.00
#PTEARA(H-VS2)-.75: Well matched pair of H Color and VS2 Clarity
diamonds weighing approximately 0.75 total carat weight, set in four
prong platinum settings with screw back posts for $1,775.00
#PTEARA(H-VS2)-1.00: Well matched pair of H Color and VS2
Clarity diamonds weighing approximately 1.00 total carat weight, set
in four prong platinum settings with screw back posts for $3,250.00 |